Implementing fail2ban with 128T
Distributing a dynamic blacklist ACL among all network elements.

Note: this is a repost from my old blog. I'm reposting it now because of my continued interest in network security using fail2ban, and because I've recently cooked up a recipe for integrating fail2ban, 128T, and an SSH honeypot to do more network investigation. Enjoy!
During the holiday break I finally finished up a science project I've been cooking for a while now: getting fail2ban working on my home network in conjunction with 128T. As I've mentioned previously, one of my 128T routers is on the public internet; furthermore, this device needs SSH access so I can administer it when I'm neither at home nor at work. I do have key-based authentication enabled, but this doesn't dissuade tons of scripted brute force attacks to try to log in anyhow.
I came across fail2ban while looking for distributed blacklists that I could import into my 128T. My original thought was that I'd find a list compiled by white hats of known bad actors, and programmatically add the entries into my 128T configuration via cron. In searching for such a blacklist, I came upon, which is a community-sourced list of devices that have been detected as malicious by the app "fail2ban." Well, I thought, why not just take it straight from the source? I decided to get fail2ban running on my own system.
Conceptually, my own fail2ban implementation was to like a microcosm of's. My routers running fail2ban would contribute their blocked entries to my 128T authority's configuration, and this configuration would get pushed to all routers. Thus, if any of my routers detected a bad actor, it would propagate to all of my routers. Not bad! The challenge was to get it running on my system and interfacing with 128T.
This turned out to be a fun exercise, as I finally got to use some of our published python libraries to do some NETCONF work. I also learned a bit about the guts of fail2ban, and how to get it to hand over the IPs to my python script for NETCONFing over to my conductor. Last, I learned about how to authenticate a user script on a router that needs to feed information into a conductor. This will be a handy tool in the toolbelt.
In essence, this project was comprised of a small number of steps:
- Get fail2ban installed on my router. (Made easy due to yum.)
- Write a python script for adding/removing IP addresses from a 128T tenant over NETCONF. This was tricky, since it was my first time -- and my scripting skills are quite rusty.
- Figure out how to authenticate a NETCONF client running on a 128T router to a server running on the 128T conductor. Most of our code samples assume the NETCONF client is running on localhost, so I needed to futz around with authorized_keys, user names, etc. for a while before I struck upon the right sequence.
- Write a fail2ban action.d script that invokes my python script. Easy peasy.
- Change rsyslog.conf on my router to write log messages to /var/log/secure (disabled by 128T, as it typically manages rsyslog for you).
- Disable my 128T's native host-service for SSH and create a custom service for SSH on my WAN port. This is because 128T's native host-service uses a KNI interface that forcibly enables source-nat. This hamstrings fail2ban, since the only source IP address it would ever see would be
After a bit of fussing, I got it all working on Monday. Now, when fail2ban detects a new attacker, it shows up right away in my configuration. Here's the status from the fail2ban client:
[root@labsystem2 log]# fail2ban-client status sshd
Status for the jail: sshd
|- Filter
| |- Currently failed: 1
| |- Total failed: 28
| `- Journal matches: _SYSTEMD_UNIT=sshd.service + _COMM=sshd
`- Actions
|- Currently banned: 3
|- Total banned: 3
`- Banned IP list:
And here's the tenant that contains these addresses.
admin@labsystem1.fiedler (tenant[name=blacklist-fail2ban])# show
name blacklist-fail2ban
description "Blacklist maintained by fail2ban"
member internet
neighborhood internet
This tenant is denied access to the self-made SSH service I created. But because all of my routers now include this tenant definition, this blacklist can be used anywhere in my network, for any purpose.
While I'm pretty happy with my proof-of-concept (and it's working wonderfully!), there are a lot of efficiencies to be gained. First, each time fail2ban adds a new address to the blacklist this involves committing the 128T configuration. If I'm in the middle of provisioning new services on my router when my NETCONF script executes, this could fail due to validation errors. Second, I can apply these same principles to "native" 128T logging by creating custom fail2ban filters, and trap events in highwayManager or fastLane to add bad actors.
This should be fun :-)